Walker Ellsworth

Walker Ellsworth



Skein: A loosely coiled length of yarn or thread wound on a reel.

Skein is a hand hewn timber frame which I built from Fall of 2020 to the Spring of 2021. The frame is installed on long meadow at Bennington College and will remain there permanently. This project is intended to provide a space that encourages Bennington College students, faculty, and staff to explore nature, or find a place for peace and contemplation. The structure is made entirely of wood, which was sourced either from the Bennington grounds or from my home in Maine. All of this would not have been possible without the help of the Buildings and Grounds staff, who took time out of their busy schedules to mill boards and move logs, and to them I will forever be grateful. To my friends who helped with the install, or whenever I needed a hand moving something. And most importantly my Dad, who is the reason I am a timber framer. This work has been more about the journey than I ever could have imagined, and though I may leave the building at Bennington, the relationships I’ve built and experiences I’ve had will last with me forever.

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