Zen Beattie

Zen Beattie



A restoration project that focused on generating a space with a dynamic atmosphere and physicality. I was influenced by “The Thinking Hand”, Juhani Pallasma to utilize the body as a tool for understanding space.

I chose my site because I was attracted to the abandoned and secretive nature of the building and intersecting my own style of craft and material choice. The original building was constructed in the 90’s. In order to produce a project that focused on the body and physical exploration, I sought to preserve the natural development that had taken up since the space’s abandonment and did not provide a clear path for people to approach on.

My aspirations for PATCH were to create a sense of intrigue with moving parts and different pieces of hardware. In addition to constructing the space, I rendered images of the hardware and building and produced line drawings in three dimensions. These drawings were pasted in and around the building as a case study of the space and its parts.

The space will also house a chair I developed that addresses how I feel about the multidimensionality of space. The chair has the ability to hold the human body in three unique positions, similar to the transformative qualities of the structure.

Close Statement

rendering of the chair
